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Natural Awakenings South Jersey

Submit Calendar Listings

Welcome to Our New and Improved Community Event Calendar!

We will be featuring Your Classes and Events in our Community Online Calendar! 

This allows people to view your Event from Anywhere! You also have the capability to make live changes and updates, upload logos and pictures, working maps with addresses, and they are easily shareable on the web!
All of this included at no additional costs.

Online Options:

Basic Online Event Listings: Free to you! (Maximum 5 free listings)
Offers basic event information, appears in the calendar section, but does not include a larger image and will not be featured on the homepage.

Featured Online Event Listings: Free to Advertisers
 $25 for Non-Advertisers
Featured Events appear on the Homepage of the website and with a larger image in the Calendar section, allows for additional information and exposure.

Ongoing Calendar: Free to Advertisers
$20/per listing for Non-Advertisers
For regular meetings, classes,  etc. that occur on an ongoing basisFeatured Events appear on the Homepage of the website and with a larger image in the Calendar section, allows for additional information and exposure. Please come back and re-post for each month the event will take place.

Print Options:

Save- The- Date- Calendar: $45
For events taking place in future months or that deserve special recognition, the Save- The- Date Listings will include a special spot in our Print Magazine and will also include a Featured Online Event Listing with homepage exposure.

Post Your Event Here!
Click Here to Add Your Event to Our Calendar


Another great feature for our New Online Events Calendar is that your Event can be posted at Anytime! But we recommend getting in events by the 15th of the prior month to give people plenty of time in advance.

Print Calendar Listings for Save- The- Date's must be received no later than the 15th of the prior month.  Items received after that date will be included in the next month's print calendar. 

Free Calendar Listings For Advertisers
If you are running a current advertisement in our magazine, or you distribute the magazine through your business, you are entitled to:

5 Free Event or Ongoing calendar listing with display ad Quarter Page or Larger
2 Free Event or Ongoing calendar listings with 1/6 Page Ad or Smaller and Community Resource Guide Listing

Post Your Event Here!
Click Here to Add Your Event to Our Calendar
