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Natural Awakenings South Jersey

Participate in Simple Living Workshops at Old Pine Farm

Sally Willowbee invites you to join her at Old Pine Farm Natural Lands Trust for a series of Simple Living workshops. The first of the series-a class on canning apples-will begin at 2 p.m. on September 15. Guests are asked to meet at the Willoughby House. Attendees will get a hands-on experience in preparing apples and canning them, and will go home with a fresh jar of applesauce. 

Willowbee learned how to can from her mother as a small child. She is a do-it-yourself kind of woman and has been learning and teaching practical skills all her life and has recently become involved with a group of women known as the Sisters of Sustainability (SOS). 

‘Simple Living’ is a Quaker term meaning to peel away the things in life that have been taken over by consumerism, capitalism and over-consumption: essentially going back to the beginning and learning how to make, use, reuse and sustain oneself, nature and the Earth in a healthy, spiritual and respectful way. Simple living is spirituality in action and is about integrating all parts of our lives. 

The Simple Living workshops will share information and skills about living simply from canning tomatoes, making lip balm, fermenting sauerkraut, growing sprouts and canning apples. 

Cost: $20. Location:340 Pine Ave., Deptford, NJ. For more information, call Sally Willowbee  at 856-889-4160 or email [email protected]

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