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Natural Awakenings South Jersey

What Allergy Testing Doesn’t Tell You

Oct 01, 2018 05:45PM ● By Kimberly Spair

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in people experiencing reactions during and after eating certain foods. Someone eats a food, their body reacts in an unusual or undesirable way and they head to a medical practitioner who specializes in food allergies or digestion.

Next often comes the recommendation for an allergy test. Currently, there are many tests available that claim to show if a person is allergic to specific foods. An IgG test (that measures the level of immunoglobulin G [IgG] antibodies) is fairly common. Unfortunately, these tests are not always accurate. Instead of helping, they tend to provide people with misinformation that can lead to confusion and frustration. As it turns out, the tests can’t accurately assess whether someone is sensitive to a particular food, is actually experiencing detox symptoms, or if the symptoms are caused by something else altogether. The Medical Mediumbook informs that, most often, detox is what’s happening. The accused foods (often fruits and vegetables) are actually going after a pathogen in the body and causing it to die off (which is a good thing).

Common Food Allergens & What’s Actually Happening 

Dairy Allergy/Lactose Intolerance

Many parents today suspect that their children have a dairy/lactose/milk allergy/intolerance/ sensitivity. After consuming dairy products, they report immediate issues (runny nose, stomach pain, bloating, gas, bathroom problems), which is certainly no fun. These reactions may be due to the dairy products in one’s system hyper-feeding a group of bugs in the colon and intestinal tract that tear into the dairy product which stirs up immediate reactions in the body.

Wheat/Gluten Allergy

Once again, when someone is given a diagnosis of a wheat allergy or even celiac disease, it’s not because of the wheat itself, but because the person has a pathogen in his/her body that is feeding on the wheat. If you’re dealing with any condition, keep wheat plus the other “what not to eat foods” out. (These can be found in the book Medical Mediumby Anthony William). If you’re really seeking a grain, you’re better off selecting quinoa or millet.

Keep in mind that allergies that result in anaphylactic shock are a completely different issue to the seasonal allergies and milder food allergies and sensitivities people experience. If you suffer from severe food allergies due to a tree nut/peanut allergy, latex, paint, bee stings and other food and medication triggers, you should address these instances differently than you would seasonal allergies or milder food allergies. Anaphylactic shock causes a sudden drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing—a life-threatening situation. If you experience a severe allergic reaction and are unprepared/unequipped to deal with it, seek immediate medical care.

Moving Forward – What to Focus on, What to Eliminate

First, an action plan is necessary to start addressing the pathogens in your child’s body with antiviral and antibacterial foods and supplements. This can (and should) be a slow process of gradually increasing good foods, decreasing bad foods and supporting the body along the way.

Eating fresh fruits, leafy greens and vegetables can help kill off pathogens that trigger allergy symptoms and wreak havoc in the system. Here are some notable foods to include in your treatment plan:

  • Celery/Celery Juice
    • Celery juice is highly anti-inflammatory and is therefore beneficial for people who suffer from chronic and mystery illnesses.
    • Celery is perfect for reversing inflammation because it starves the pathogens, including unproductive bacteria and viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV), that create it.
    • Celery juice strengthens hydrochloric acid in your gut which is helpful because hydrochloric acid is critical to digestion and to keeping your digestive system alkaline.
  • Cucumber/Cucumber Juice
    • Cucumber juice has the ability to cleanse and detox the entire body along with helping to alleviate a variety of digestive problems.
    • Cucumber also has wonderful anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Wild Blueberries
    • Bring wild blueberries into your diet if you want to help protect yourself against environmental toxins. They are forced to fight all types of environmental elements as they grow and are the most adaptogenic food you can consume.
  • Try out other antioxidant-rich foods including other types of berries like cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.
  • Melons, apples, peaches, plums, nectarines, cherries, kiwis, oranges, pomelos, zucchinis, and grapefruits are other powerhouse fruits for your diet.
  • Sweet Potatoes
    • Sweet potatoes are known for being easy to digest and are very good for ulcers, inflamed colons, digestive disorders and constipation.
    • Sweet potatoes are also an excellent anti-stress food and are known to help relax muscles, steady nerves and balance cognitive function.
  • Consider supplements such as zinc, B12, probiotics, spirulinaand Nettle leaf. Seek out a knowledgeable professional for more information about specific dosing.
  • Remove foods that feed pathogens, also known as “NO foods” including gluten, dairy, eggs, canola oil, soy, corn, processed beet sugar, pork, farmed fish and MSG from your diet (remember that MSG can go by a variety of names, so pay attention to food labels when grocery shopping). Also, try your best to avoid artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, natural flavors and citric acid. (Check Medical Mediumbook for more details). For even quicker healing results, remove rye and other grains from your diet.
  • If major diet shifts seem overwhelming right now, start with just removing one or two of the mentioned “no foods” from your child’s diet and see how even a single shift can ease symptoms and ignite change. Once you begin to notice the benefits of a small dietary modification, you may be more motivated to continue removing unproductive foods. Any step towards healing is a victory!

In summary, while “allergies” seem easy to blame, so many of our children have pathogens and/or toxicity in the body, which are causing them unwanted symptoms. Results are best when individuals are approached as a whole and when the brain and nervous system are supported. The ultimate goals are to get our children’s immune systems prepared to react appropriately when exposed to bugs or toxins and to eliminate any deficiencies, so we can rest assured that we are well on our way toward achieving these goals.

Kimberly Spair provides intuitive and holistic health coaching based on the protocols of Anthony Williams, the New York Timesbestselling author of Life Changing Foodsand Medical Medium. She approaches the individual as a whole, helping clients get their immune systems prepared to react appropriately when exposed to toxins. For more information or to schedule an appointment, email [email protected]or visit