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Natural Awakenings South Jersey

Life-Giving Foods for Giving Life

Jul 02, 2018 10:55AM ● By Kimberly Spair

So many of the powerful life-changing foods that exist on Earth to nourish and heal our bodies are also, literally, life-givingfoods. We know, from Anthony William, author of Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods, that we must “eat fruit to produce fruit,” but did you know that the life-giving qualities of Mother Nature’s bounty should be front and center for the actual birthing process as well? Yes! Put down the ice chips and pick up some wild blueberries, honey and dates. 

During my beautiful daughter’s birth last November, I had an arsenal of these supportive foods in my birthing tool kit. Each one provided me a different type and level of support depending on where my body, mind and spirit were throughout the long 48-hour process. Based on information from William, these are some of the foods I incorporated during labor, and why:


*The high potassium and fruit sugar content is perfect for refueling the brain and muscles, which rely on glucose to power us through.

*The amino acids in dates, such as leucine, help elevate the fruit’s potassium to its highest potential in sustaining and fortifying muscles and nerves. This process also stops lactic acid from taking over the body when it’s under stress.

Isn’t it incredible that dates also teach us to shift from selfishness to selflessness? How perfect is that for the birthing process!

Wild Blueberries:

*When you eat these berries, their innate intelligence reads your body…. monitors your stress and toxicity levels, and figures out the best way to heal you—it is the only food that does that. 

*Wild blueberries have more inspiration to offer us than even the best motivational speakers on the planet.

*Wild blueberries are the sole food on the planet to contain the full power of the divine, the Holy Source, the universe, and they are revered by the angels as the key to keeping the human race alive in the coming times.

Who doesn’t want that power inside you when bringing a new human being into the world? I sipped on wild-blueberry smoothies made with wild-blueberry powder (

Coconut Water:

This was my go-to liquid throughout for both hydration and energy. First of all, William teaches us that coconuts supercharge all other foods you eat with them, so that brought even more power to my dates and wild blueberries. Yet, there was even further benefit:

*Coconut water provides vital glucose and critical mineral salts, including potassium and sodium, to the bloodstream.

*Coconut water’s trace minerals and electrolytes nourish your reproductive tissue.

Raw Honey:

At the end of the labor process, I had raw honey by spoon every few minutes. Its highly absorbable glucose and more than 200,000 photochemical compounds refueled me and allowed my body the energy to literally continue pushing through the long labor process.

Also, how beautiful it is to take in a miracle food while our bodies are performing the ultimate miracle of giving birth.

If you feel out of touch with miracles, then reacquaint yourself with honey. Unprocessed honey in its raw, living form is nothing less than a miracle from God and the Earth.

There are other foods to consider too, such as avocados, “the mother fruit”, and Atlantic sea vegetables, which ground us and deliver 50 health-promoting, ultra-bioavailable minerals, while creating electrolytes for stress assistance. These foods are all truly gifts from God as we are bringing the ultimate gift into world.

Here is a further glimpse into my birth story, from my doula’s perspective. In the next few blogs, I will share more about the supplements and other “props” that played a key role in my labor process. I can honestly say that living a Medical Medium lifestyle has not only changed my life in untold ways, it has given our family miraculous new life—a beautiful baby daughter and sister, Braelyn Mae.

Kimberly Spair is a certified holistic health coach, speech pathologist and yoga therapist. For more information or to schedule a consultation, email [email protected] or visit

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