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Natural Awakenings South Jersey

Why OsteoStrong Works and the Results

Medical doctors understand that weight-bearing exercise is necessary for new bone growth and recommend to their patients that they practice this form of exercise. The 2012 Deere and Tobias study found that 4.2 times a person’s body weight is what is necessary to trigger bone growth to the hip joint—the place that is most important to avoid fracture. 

While impact exercise is good for the bones, it can cause injury. OsteoStrong—a membership-based integrated health and wellness center with a focus on musculoskeletal strengthening—allows one to push and pull safely to achieve the minimum required osteogenic loading (heavy loading). OsteoStrong uses a robotic musculoskeletal development system to trigger new bone growth. There are four separate devices that focus on different parts of the body. A skilled coach is with the client every session, and sessions only last 10 minutes once a week. 

The results are that OsteoStrong may help increase agility; decrease joint pain; improve strength, balance and posture; and increase bone density and slow bone density loss. 

Location: 951 Haddonfield Rd., Ste. 3B, Cherry Hill. For more information, call 856-759-1000 or visit  


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