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Natural Awakenings South Jersey

The Many Reasons to Consider Supplements

by Steven Mattia 

In a fast-paced and busy world where we constantly juggle work, family and personal commitments, maintaining optimal health can be extremely challenging. Despite our best efforts to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, we may still find ourselves lacking essential nutrients. In fact, the research is very clear on this: Many people are nutrient deficient. Even people that eat “healthy” and “balanced” diets can still be nutrient deficient. This is where dietary supplements step in to play a crucial role. Let’s explore the many reasons why people should consider supplementing their diet and the potential benefits it can bring to their overall health and well-being. 

Nutritional Gaps in Modern Diets: Modern lifestyles often lead to imbalanced diets that may not provide all the necessary nutrients. The convenience of processed foods, busy schedules and limited access to quality foods can create nutrient gaps in our diet. More specifically, a diet high in processed and sugary foods will increase bodily inflammation, which will deplete our bodies of vital nutrients. Supplementing with vitamins, minerals, extracts and other nutrients can help bridge these gaps and ensure receiving the essential building blocks to function optimally. 

Meeting Increased Nutrient Demands: Certain life stages or health-related situations can increase our nutrient requirements. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, athletes and others with chronic diseases, battling or recovering from illnesses and struggling with chronic stress or even depression have higher nutrient demands. A carefully chosen supplement regimen can help meet these increased requirements and support overall health during these critical times. 

Addressing Specific Health Concerns: Supplements can also be used to address specific health issues. People with a vitamin D deficiency may benefit from a vitamin D supplement to support bone health, immune function and depression. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements have been shown to support brain function plus heart and skin health. People with IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease) such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease or colitis will benefit with clinically researched supplements such as collagen, glutamine, zinc, licorice root, aloe vera and marshmallow root. Herbal supplements, like ashwagandha, can aid in hormonal regulation, managing stress and promoting relaxation. 

Enhancing Immune Function: A robust immune system is essential for fighting off infections and illnesses. Specific vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and D, zinc and selenium, have been shown to support immune function. Including these nutrients in our supplement routine can be especially beneficial during flu seasons or other times of increased vulnerability. 


Lifestyle Factors: Various life factors, such as age, stress, smoking, alcohol consumption and prescription medications, can deplete nutrient reserves. Supplementing with the necessary nutrients can help offset these depletions and prevent potential deficiencies that may arise. 

Food Factors: The nutrient content of our food today can be a matter of concern due to several factors. While it’s essential to acknowledge that nutrient-rich foods are available, there are valid and scientifically proven reasons to believe that many aspects of modern food production and consumption can lead to nutrient depletion in certain cases. For example, modern industrial agriculture often prioritizes high yields and rapid growth over nutrient density. This can lead to soil depletion, where essential minerals and nutrients are not adequately replenished, resulting in crops with lower nutrient content. Environmental contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides can also negatively impact the nutrient content of crops. Further, processed foods undergo refining, which removes valuable nutrients. Additionally, long storage times can cause nutrient degradation, reducing the overall nutrient content of certain foods. As already stated, supplementing with the necessary nutrients can help offset these depletions and prevent potential deficiencies that may arise. 

Supporting Optimal Cognitive Function: As we age, cognitive function may decline, and the risk of neurodegenerative diseases increases. Diseases like Alzheimer’s are on the rise. Some supplements, like certain antioxidants, plant extracts and omega-3 fatty acids have been clinically studied for their potential to support brain health and cognitive function. 

Filling the Gap for Vegetarians and Vegans: Vegetarians and vegans may have a harder time obtaining certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, from their plant-based diets alone. Supplementing with these nutrients ensures they meet their dietary needs without compromising their dietary choices. 

While dietary supplements can play a significant role in supporting overall health, they shouldn’t be viewed as a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Supplements are meant to complement a healthy lifestyle and fill in nutrient gaps. Knowing the majority of people should use supplements, it’s essential to choose high-quality supplements and follow recommended dosages. Ultimately, supplementation can be a valuable tool in our journey towards better health and well-being. 

Stephen Mattia is co-founder of Renewed Health, a company that provides high-quality, research-focused supplements that restore health, support all lifestyles and help users feel renewed. For more information or to order products, visit 


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