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Natural Awakenings South Jersey

CLAIRVOYANCE and How it Can Be Developed

We use our five senses every day and most likely we never actively think of them. Many may not know that these senses can be manifested into psychic abilities.   

With the right techniques and practices, we can connect with spirit using our “clair” senses.  These intuitive abilities derive from the French word “claire,” meaning “clear,” and they correspond with our five senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing and sight.   

Clairvoyance, or “clear seeing”, is the ability to have a heightened awareness of sight, beyond what the physical eye picks up. People with clairvoyant abilities can see messages from the spirit world through images, visions and symbols in their mind’s eye.   

Some people think the word clairvoyant is synonymous with the word psychic, but it’s actually one of the tools a psychic uses to receive messages from the spirit world. Being a medium myself, I know clairvoyance is just one of the many tools I use to receive messages from spirit.  

Through practices such as meditation, visualization and working with a mentor, anyone can develop clairvoyance to use in a psychic way. The following are signs that suggest a clairvoyant ability. However, if someone hasn’t developed their ability, they may not recognize the messages they are receiving are trying to lead them to their highest path and best interest: 

Seeing clearly how things fit together. 

Having a deep connection to  
beautiful things. 

Envisioning plans for the future. 

A sense of direction being on point. 

Having vivid and colorful dreams  
at night. 

Being a creative person. 

Tending to think in images or  

Being a visual person. 

When close our eyes, seeing vivid  
images with our imagination.   

Thinking we have seen a spirit. 

Being affected by the aesthetics of  
the room we are in. 

To develop clairvoyant abilities, one exercise is to try is to spend time visually looking into the details of something that is in our direct view. Once we see a mental snapshot of what we are viewing in our mind’s eye, try and recreate it with the same amount of detail that we just visually observed.   

Once we start developing our clairvoyance, it makes it that much easier for spirit to communicate with us. When we notice that an image or vision pops into our mind that we did not create, we’ll know that message is from spirit. Then the exciting part comes—learning to decipher how that message can lead us to our best interest.   

This should be a fun journey so don’t put too much pressure on ourselves.   


Brandi Van, a Spiritual Medium and Advisor located in Philadelphia, offers a 90-day, one-on-one mentorship program, Jump Start Your Psychic Abilities. For more information or to enroll in the program, visit 



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